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FEB 2022 Edition
Presenting the February issue under volume IV of the Finance Gazette, we bring to our readers their one-stop newsletter to dispel those lingering doubts, covering a plethora of topics that took place in the month of February. The gazette also provides interesting takes on topics such as the Nehruvian model of development, and how something as small as a nail has the capacity to offer a window into the economic change. It offers the opportunity to brainstorm on the crossword, have a hearty laugh whilst looking at the memes, tweets and cartoons and also pick up some tips pertaining to investment opportunities and habits.
Crossword Answers:
A1: Redlining, A2: Uday Kotak, A3: Bad Bank, A4: Arbitrage, A5: FICO A6: OPEC, A7: Litecoin (LTC)

JAN 2022 Edition
The first issue of Hansraj Finance Gazette's fourth edition offers a plethora of meticulously curated content only to leave the readers wanting more. In this edition, we talk about the newsmakers of January; an array of riveting topics with unique twists of our own and an in-depth analysis along with a candid interview of Mr Subhash Garg, the former finance secretary, to give our readers a 360-degree perspective of the Union Budget 2022-23. To top it off, we bring to you nothing but the best straight from the editors' desk and a fun section to exercise your brain and tickle your bones.
Crossword Answers:
A1: Acid Test, A2: Itemized Deduction, A3: Jennifer Lopez, A4: Balloon Mortgage, A5: Garbatrage, A6: Microsoft, A7: Wipro(Azim Premji), A8: Sushi Bond, A9: Cookie Jar Accounting