"Giving is the biggest act of kindness."
Believing in this motto, the social wing of the Finance and Investment Cell, Hansraj college aims at promulgating financial awareness. It is an initiative to impart financial literacy to the socially deprived section of society so that they can become financially independent and earn a decent living for themselves.
Social Wing
about us
The Social Wing of the Finance and Investment cell, Hansraj college is an initiative to spread financial awareness especially among the less privileged strata of the society. This initiative has been undertaken to fulfil the social responsibility towards the society and help bring the needed change in the community. Through this initiative, we hope to impart financial knowledge by collaborating with various organisations and other initiatives so that the society can achieve its full optimization. The Social Wing of FIC, Hansraj is a student- run department that aims at promulgating financial awareness. Our team comprises self-driven undergraduate students that work together to help impart financial knowledge so that the society can achieve full optimization.
Project Parivartan is an initiative taken up by the social wing of the Finance and Investment Cell, Hanraj College. The project aims at promulgating financial literacy towards the underprivileged sections of the society. The first 2 editions of Project Parivartan have impact 13000+ people in 35+ cities. We aim to create greater impact by spreading financial knowledge and working towards bringing about a change in the mindset of society when it comes to finance.

past ngo sessions
The members of the Finance and Investment Cell worked towards spreading financial literacy to the young minds of the country. Financial literacy sessions were conducted in collaboration with Shodh NGO and Nanhe kadam NGO over a span of 15 days. Topics such as basic of personal finance, budgeting, basic concepts of banking and other important topics were taught to them. We believe that providing the right financial knowledge to children is a great start towards making concept of finance easy and understandable which will later help them in life to have better financial health.

Our Team